OOLA for Women, Book Review

The following is a review, based on my own personal experience with the book "Oola For Women". I hope you enjoy!

My first experience with OOLA was about a year ago when I read the first and original OOLA book (found here) ~ it blew me away, honestly, and spoke to me in so many familiar ways. I've always believed in living a balanced life, but nobody put it in such easy, simple to understand steps than the OOLA guys, Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl..... I knew I was hooked.....I quickly set to understand more deeply the areas of my life that I was neglecting, and how I can awaken them. 

This was right up my alley, especially since so much of my life is devoted to self-improvement...it's something I'm working on daily. How to be kinder, how to understand better, listen more, shut up more, or speak my truth...be a better friend, mother, spouse, daughter, sister. How to find ways to have a bigger, more positive impact in my work with others. The OOLA book was life-changing, from this perspective, since it was all in one place, ready for me to follow along and make the improvements I was looking for...


The OOLA guys partnered with Young Living to create the Infuse 7 oils kit, which contains an oil for all 7 areas of our OOLA life: Fitness, Finance, Family, Field, Faith, Friends and Fun. The brain has always fascinated me, and I love how I can anchor a feeling or emotion with a scent ~ so these oils were a brilliant addition to my collection. Every time I meditated or worked on my "faith", for example, I'd use my "faith" oil aromatically and anchor that feeling into my memory and emotions. It was such a helpful tool for me to support me in my own personal work to bring balance back into my life. These tools were life-changing. 


Then came OOLA for women - I didn't think it could get any better, but it did! 


I found myself sitting on the couch with a cup of tea, using these incredible oils, spending my "Miracle Morning" reading this book, and I loved every minute of it....not only did it cement the idea of finding balance in life and how critical that is, but I loved reading and learning about all the women featured in the book....their triumphs, their struggles, how they overcame aspects of their lives that seemed unsurmountable...I was cheering them on in the early hours of the morning when I carved out my reading time, my learning time, my growing time....I was there with them, every step of the way, and it inspired me to grow right along with them. The book reminded me that I had the power to overcome the challenges of my life, find balance, find joy, find peace with the past and find faith in the future, and find my OOLA life..... and it was ALL up to me. 

The book is divided into 5 sections ~ they make it effortless to flow through each section, and adopting tips and steps to finding your balance, and finding your own OOLA life. 

Section 1 introduces you to what Oola is - basically living in a state of awesomeness.

Section 2 goes through the 7 F's of Oola - Fitness, Finance, Family, Field, Faith, Friends and Fun.

Section 3 talks about Oolablockers that keep us from living that OOLA life, and reaching our dreams: fear, guilt, anger, self-sabotage, laziness, envy, and focus.

Section 4 goes through what they call the Oolaccelerators ~ those aspects that propel us closer to the OOLA life we desire, such as  gratitude, love, discipline, integrity, passion, humility and wisdom.

Section 5 tells all about the Oolawheel, Oolaplan and Oolapath ~ tools to help us unlock our OOLA life. 

I can't say enough about this book. I think everyone needs it....and if you think you DON'T need it, read it and you'll see how much you do! In fact, if any of you are searching for growth, balance, are curious, or just want to make your life infinitely better and happier, you'll find here.....

You can find it at: 

Barnes & Noble


Peace, love, and my hope that you dream big and find your OOLA life,


ps. If you are interested in the Infused Collection oils, please reach out to me...they've been such an important tool in helping me grow and live my OOLA life, every day. You can find out more by clicking here and searching "Infused".